Talking About Astrology
with Psychological Astrologer Anne Whitaker MA Dip Ed Dip Psych Astrol
Here - Sunday 9th March, 2025, 12-1.15pm

The Topic :
This Q and A session is for anyone with an open-minded interest in - but very little knowledge of - astrology beyond the highly popular but very limited 'star sign' version. In depth astrology offers an ancient and highly complex model for analysing and making sense of who we are, both collectively and individually, and why we do the things we do. It's a subject which has fascinated Astrologer Anne Whitaker for over 40 years - and still does! So - come along, ask any questions you may have e.g. "How does astrology make sense of twin differences?", or, "What does the birth chart say about Fate v Free Will?", or, "How far can (or should) astrology predict the future?".
Anne has probably answered most of the questions people ask - but why don't you come along and ask her one she's never heard before?!
The Astrologer :
Anne Whitaker has been an astrologer since the 1983 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius. She holds a Certificate from the Faculty of Astrological Studies (1983) and the Diploma from the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London (1998) as well as several academic qualifications. She taught astrology classes in Glasgow for many years, writes for a number of international magazines and journals, and, via zoom, these days mentors international students studying with reputable courses. Her latest book “Postcards to the Future: Mercurial Musings 1995–2021” is an acclaimed collection of 60 essays, articles and columns from the many publications to which Anne has contributed over the years. Anne’s varied writing can be found at and you can contact her by email at